Although the videos are provided for insight and instruction, they are streamed directly from You Tube and I have no control over content. Most of the videos linked from here relating to massage are genuine therapeutic massage techniques but it may be possible to link to inappropriate content from the You Tube portal once the video has finished. I cannot accept responsibility for content you may link to from You Tube's portal.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008


OK. My last post was in January and we're now into March. This does rather suggest that I've been procrastinating again.

The thing is that I find I get very heavily involved with all sorts of things which take up my time. Some are things I need to do but most are things I want to do. Maybe this is a common factor with procrastinators. It's not that I don't get around to doing anything but rather that I want to do too many things. Since my last post, I've made a terracotta udu, put my illustration website together (and produced a number of new illustrations specifically for showcasing on it. This has taken up the lion's share of my time) and renewed my interest in playing guitar so I've been active and, to some degree, productive.

This, I think, is the thing with procrastination. It's very easy to be far too busy with distractions to do the things you have to do. As a procrastinator, I am rarely idle. Sitting down and watching TV is something I tend to do only if there's something I really want to watch on (even then, I get impatient if the programme's too long and get on with something else). Consequently, it would be easy for me to deny that I'm a procrastinator.

Have I been working on my coursework (an obligatory aspect of my job)? Er.... no. I've been far too busy.
Have I fixed that towel rail in the bathroom? It's on the list for tomorrow... honest!
Have I dealt with the various financial issues that are creeping towards crisis point by default? Not yet (always sounds better than plain "no" as it suggests one is getting there, which, of course, I'm not).
Have I even finished that bloody painting? Hmmm! OK. This is getting uncomfortable now so I think I'll change the subject.

Even now, there are things that I should be doing instead of writing this post. So, although writing to my blog is something I neglect as a procrastinator, it's also a distraction that I choose in favour of something more important. An interesting point. Maybe I could identify tasks that I tend to neglect as distractions. This has only just occurred to me so I can't say anything about the viability of this approach.

I haven't been tapping 'though God Knows I have issues to tap on. It's just that there are always things I'd rather be doing. One possible barrier is that tapping helps to focus on the things that need to be addressed. The fact that they need to be addressed is symptomatic of my reluctance to focus on them so tapping becomes one of the many things that I'm "far too busy" to find time for.

Catch 22 situation? Only if I let it be so. Will I let it be so? Probably, but watch this space.

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